Charles Ostman currently is a senior fellow at the Institute for Global Futures, a consulting group which provides strategic research, analysis, technical due diligence, and related technology centric development services to Fortune 500 companies and institutions worldwide.
Charles has 30+ years experience in the fields of electronics, materials science, computing and artificial intelligence, including eight years at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley, and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Charles served with the management team of Fourth Venture, a business development entity engaged in the enterprise of translating former soviet / eastern bloc military technologies (and expertise) into benevolent / cleantech applications with significant social implications, such as alternative & sustainable energy platforms, specialized materials and applied nanotechnology
He is an active participant with the Millennium Project for Global Futures Studies and Research, of the American Council for the United Nations University, a global participatory futures research think tank of futurists, scholars, business planners, and policy makers who work for international organizations, governments,
corporations, NGOs, and universities
Charles has authored numerous technical papers and published articles, lectures frequently around the country and abroad, and has contributed content featured in a number of books, including CyberLife, Secrets, the SIRS Applied Sciences journal, and is involved in various other authoring projects.
He chairs and participates in a wide variety of conferences and seminars in the US and abroad.
He has been a featured guest and speaker in a diverse variety of nationally broadcast television and radio programs in venues ranging from PBS Television to the nationally syndicated Coast to Coast AM and America at Night radio programs.
Previous professional experience encompasses a diverse range of technical development projects at facilities including GTE Lenkurt, Litton Industries, Lucas Films, Phoenix Laser Systems, NanoThinc, Omni Scientific Instruments, Evolutionary Networks, and a variety of other technology related companies and institutions.
Aside from his professional activities, his primary focus and passion has been centered around the intersection of accelerating advanced technologies, spiritual evolution, and the rapidly accelerating future history of our planet and civilization.
As he often says in his lectures and presentations, “if there was ever a time to synchronize our capacity for spiritual evolution with an accelerating realm of complexity and advanced technologies never before encountered in the human history of which we are currently aware, this would be that time”.
Charles Ostman
tel - 510 549 0129 cell - 510 684 0644
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